We have set some new goals for this year.
- to love God;
- to love neighbor;
- to build up the body of Christ;
- and to provide pastoral care to our youth.
We will try to accomplish these goals in a variety of ways. Youth Fellowship will consist of three components: a weekly meeting, monthly missions, and special events. Youth are invited to join us for any and all of these as they are able. As you can tell, some details are still being worked out. We want your input as well as your youth. We hope to finalize a calendar in the next few weeks. Below is a brief outline of this year’s program.
Weekly Meetings
This year our Wednesday night meetings will have two parts. Part One begins at 5 pm in the Parish House till 5:45 pm and will consist of games and other fellowship activities. Part Two begins around 6:15 pm, and we end at 7 pm. This component will consist of a Bible study or an exploration of an issue of our faith.
In between, we will share a meal together. Like last year, we need your help to make this possible. We are asking that each week a different youth and his/her family bring dinner for everyone (approximately 15 people). Please contact us to let us know when you can help.
Monthly Mission
In addition to our weekly get-together, we will be joining some local mission projects. We are hoping to do this approximately once a month, on a Saturday or a school holiday. We will meet at the church and travel together to the mission site.
Special Events
In past years, the youth have participated in a variety of activities, including Ski Trips to the Poconos, skating at Penn's Landing, and senior high retreats. We will continue to organize special events, and are open to suggestions for new events. This fall we are planning to partner again with other Presbyterian churches for retreats – one for middle high and one for senior high – at Harvey Cedars. Details are coming.