Friday, February 5, 2010

Souper Bowl of Caring

Sunday, February 7th the Youth Group will join forces with our Fellowship & Outreach committee to partake in the 2010 “Souper Bowl of Caring”.

The Souper Bowl of Caring is a nationwide fundraising effort taken on by churches and schools alike. It was started in 1990. On Super Bowl Sunday, the youth collect funds in soup pots to raise money for an organization of their choice that has to do with hunger. Throughout the US, youth have raised millions of dollars each year. In 2009, 10 million dollars was raised in funds and donated food.

This year the youth have chosen Covenant House, an organization that helps homeless youth, to receive the funds collected.

In addition to what the Youth collect during the service, the Fellowship & Outreach committee will be sponsoring a soup lunch immediately following worship. A $3 per person donation is requested and will go directly to Covenant House. Please plan to join us!