Friday, April 2, 2010

Looking for God in Harry Potter

The Ardmore Presbyterian Church is pleased to present John Granger in the Chapel on Sunday, May 2nd at 7:00 pm. Mr. Granger will be speaking about faith in the Harry Potter books by J.K. Rowling.

While considered children’s literature, many adults have greatly enjoyed reading the “Harry Potter” books, but few are aware of how the books speak to our faith. Mr. Granger is a classics scholar, who has written extensively on the Christian themes that run throughout the “Harry Potter” series. Some of the books he has written include Looking for God in Harry Potter, How Harry Cast His Spell, and The Deathly Hallows Lectures.

Mr. Granger's lecture will begin a Harry Potter focus for the next few months at the Ardmore Presbyterian Church. The Christian Education Committee is planning a Vacation Bible School this year using the stories to help teach the truths of the faith.

We invite adults and teens to learn how the “Harry Potter” books are filled with Biblical parallels that can help all in navigating their own lives. We hope you join us in listening to John Granger.

See you on May 2nd!