Saturday, May 28, 2011

What Happened at Session on May 24, 2011

The Session of the Ardmore Presbyterian Church met on Tuesday, May 24, 2011, at 7:30 p.m. in the Mill Creek Room.  The following is a summary of that meeting.


Rev. Hodsden led a Bible study on Luke 11:1-13.  He also assigned each elder present with the name of another elder for whom prayers should be offered.


The Statistical Report for the month ending April 30, 2011 were presented as follows:

Statistical Report ending April 30, 2011
  • 2 BAPTISMS on 4/3/2001                       
  • Communicant Membership as of April 30, 2011. . . . . 433.

Rev. Hodsden reported the list of members on the Inactive Roll would be reviewed again by himself, Rev. Clarke, and Joanne Poorman to determine whether any further communication is warranted before asking the Session to remove them from the rolls, and that in the future letters notifying members of their transfer to the Inactive Roll would include notice that after two years their names would be removed from the rolls if they remain inactive.


The Clerk reported that Session records, including Session minutes and the church register, were reviewed by the Session Records Committee of the Presbytery of Philadelphia at the Willow Grove Church on April 30, 2011 and were approved without exception.


Christian Terwiesch, moderator of the Strategic Planning Task Force, reported that the group met on May 22.  There will be a presentation to the Session on Saturday, June 4.


Fellowship & Outreach – Walter Haenn submitted the minutes of the committee’s meeting of May 12, which were received.  There was a discussion on improving communications between committees affected by equipment breakdowns and other events.

Buildings and Grounds – Mary Van Leeuwen submitted the minutes of the committee’s meeting of May 9, which were received.  She also submitted a report on options for capital improvements at the Parish House.  More information will be gathered before there is a full discussion by the Session of various options.

Christian Education – Cathie Calkins submitted the minutes of the committee’s meeting of May 3, which were received.   Vacation Bible School for 2011 will be based on The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis.

Upon motion duly made and passed, the Session approved the following tuition rates for the Preschool for the 2011-2012 school year:

2 Days (Monday and Friday)$501.00 (3 payments); $1,503 (in full)
3 Days (Tu, Wed, Thurs):  $776.00 (3 payments); $2,238.00 (in full)
5 Days (Mon - Fri)$1,070.00 (3 payments); $3,210.00 (in full)
Mothers’ Day Out (Mon or Fri)          $237.00 per 10-week session
Mothers’ Day Out (Mon and Fri)       $475.00 per 10-week session

$100.00 tuition discount for Ardmore Presbyterian Church members
Registration fee (non-refundable):  $100.00 for all programs except Mothers’ Day Out; $75.00 for Mothers’ Day Out
Installment payments due June 1, December 1, and March 1

Community Garden - Mary Van Leeuwen submitted a written report, which was received.  She also reported that arrangements are being made to distribution of produce from the garden through the food distribution program of Calvin Presbyterian Church in West Philadelphia.

Mission Awareness – Lynn Hepp submitted the minutes of the committee’s meeting of May 9, which were received.  


Elizabeth Rickenbach reported that Deacons’ Sunday will be on June 5.


Upon motion duly made, seconded, and passed, the Session approved the adoption of policies and procedures for weddings at he church, subject to the development of a section on music by the Music Director in consultation with the Worship Committee.

Materials for the next Session meeting of June 28 are due by June 16.


Cathie Calkins reported on an impressive worship service and on approval of technical amendments to the Book of Order.


There being no further business to come before the Session, a motion was made, seconded, and passed that the Session adjourn.   The meeting was closed with prayer at 9:08 p.m.