Friday, February 3, 2012

Charge to the Deacons - Sunday, January 8, 2012

Barry Jefferies gave this as a charge to the incoming class of deacons in 2012.  It is a great summary of who are the deacons and what they do.

It is the duty of Deacons, first of all, to minister to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless and to any who may be in distress both within and beyond the community of faith.” (Book of Order). All Christians are called to love their neighbor and be compassionate, but the Deacons are the church’s organized way to provide care and compassion for the congregation.


The office of deacon has its roots in the early New Testament Church when the Apostles appointed the first deacons as the early church was undergoing growing pains. (ACTs 6; 1-7) As the church grew there was a need for people, “Full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom” to care for the needs of the people.


The mission of the deacons’ ministry of caring is two-fold. First God calls us and the Church ordains us to lead by serving others. To minister to those in need, to the sick, the friendless, the believer and the un-believer both within and beyond these walls. Second God calls us and the Church ordains us to lead by equipping members of the congregation to serve in the Ministry of Caring for others.


Qualities of deacons chosen for the office include: they should be persons of spiritual character, live honest exemplary lives, and be of brotherly and sisterly love. They should exercise humility, patience, and a willingness to listen.


The Deacon’s mission of caring is accomplished through a variety of ministries – transportation for those unable to drive to worship, emergency meals for young families, and visitation. Deacons visit members who are hospitalized, or homebound and unable to attend Sunday worship. Often included are the delivery the altar flowers, usually the visit results in lots of sharing of stories and prayer. The visits remind them of the Love of Jesus Christ and that the prayers of the congregation are with them. This shows our care and concern and helps maintain connections with members who might otherwise be isolated from the church family.


We meet regularly for prayer, study and examine ways that we can better serve the Lord and honor his name at APC. “Deepening our faith” through prayer and study of scripture is central to the meeting the challenges of a Deacon’s journey.

This is a challenging calling which we might not consider ourselves worthy of or prepared to answer. It can be intimidating and sometimes God’s call may not make sense. Remember that God calls all of his people to greatness and we could never accomplish these tasks without the love of God.


Although there are many moving experiences when serving, my most memorable times are the opportunities to build relationships with people I may have otherwise never met. The experience has sometimes been sad with the loss of friends but the experience these past few years has been challenging, exciting and rewarding.


We are grateful for answering this call and our prayer is that is that as you fulfill your calling as a deacon you will also grow in your faith with God.

May we keep these new deacons in our hearts and prayers as they prepare to go out and participate in their ministry