Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Build-it Bus

The Build-it Bus has been a ministry of Ardmore Presbyterian since 2008. The Bus is traveling, creative workshop that operates out of a refitted SEPTA para-transit bus. (You may have seen the bus in our back parking lot). The bus travels to urban churches and schools teaching skilled handicrafts to city children. Students work on the bus itself, which is equipped with workbenches and manual tools re-engineered for use by children.

Last year the Build-it bus continued its work with churches and schools, with a particular focus on supporting spiritual development programs with a multisensory component. We worked with five churches offering equipment-building workshops for a unique and powerful Montessori-based kids worship program called Young Children and Worship. We established a woodworking woodshop at Woodland Presbyterian to help kids express their faith through both devotional art and mission-focused projects. We also worked at three different VBS programs, supporting their spiritual education theme.

Our other main focus last year was a new initiative with Calvin Presbyterian after school program. In partnership with our own (Y)Ard Farmers, we established a small raised garden bed at the church. We built garden structures, made healthy snacks, did art projects, made garden related gifts for the family.

Other miscellaneous projects include: Spruce Hill 8th grade woodworking elective, Woodland Presbyterian church family nights, church street fairs, evangelism projects in local parks, and various projects in our continuing relationship with the Barry School through Eastern University.

We are excited about this upcoming year. Continuing our relationship with Calvin, we have just stared to set up an aquaponics system for winter gardening. Aquaponics is a looped hydroponics system that obtains plant fertilization from the water of a live fish tank - in a cycle that fertilizes the plants and cleans the fish water. The kids will each have their own fish they can name and observe. With this project we hope to integrate a wide range of disciplines:  ecology, science, animal husbandry, gardening, woodworking, art, cooking and literature. We will be growing herbal tea plants in our aquaponics system. The kids will be making their own tea and cooking for monthly tea parties. We will use the outside glass of the fish tank as rotating art gallery. The students will be art-making in different media. They will be doing carpentry projects on the bus. We will also have regular read-aloud events on a garden or fish theme. We are calling this the “Art-Tea-Quarium”.

We are also excited about our growing relationship with Woodland Presbyterian. In addition to continuing with the Youth Group woodshop, we will be going on monthly community outreach events at nearby Clark Park. We have done button-making, pumpkin decorating, making leather thanksgiving journals. We have had a great response at Cark Park, making people aware of the Christian ministry at Woodland.

One of the joys of working with the Build-it Bus is working side by side with wonderful APC volunteers. We can’t thank Barb Wood, Tracey Nofer, Edna Gray, Anna Poorman, Carol Shih, Laura Goetsch – enough!! The Bus Ministry would not be possible without the support of APC! We are so grateful for our church’s financial support.

The Build-it Bus is always looking for more volunteers! You don't have to have any woodworking experience. You can volunteer any way your schedule allows: weekly long-term, weekly short-term, monthly, or for single events. If you are interested contact Sherina Poorman brick476@verizon.net or 610 316 1928.