Friday, September 28, 2012

Main Line Hunger CROP Walk

The Annual Mainline CROP Walk.

During the 33 years of its existence approximately 5,600 participants from local churches and schools have raised over $310,000.00.
This past year caring people in some 2,000 communities in the United States joine together in 1,532 CROP Hunger Walks and other events to benefit Curch World Service in raising $13.9 million to help end hunger by providing:


The biggest enemy of health in the developing countries of the world is poverty.

The proportion of the world's population living on less than two dollars a day: almost 50% (2.8 billion).

1.1 billion people are foced to survive to survive on less than a $1.00 a day - one of every six people in the world.

How do we achieve the better world we imagine?

With small steps at first, then larger ones in time. Our steps are powered by simple acts of generosity and the methodical application of intelligene, empathy, ingenuity and faith.

For the poor of the world the daily struggle to survive overwhelms all of life's other possiblities. Our satisfaction comes from witnessing the moment when people who once had no hope suddenly discover the boundless possiblities of their own existence. That's when they realize it's their world too.

We should not - in trying to thnk about how we can make a big differnece - ignore the small daily differences we can make - which over time - add up to BIG differences that we often cannot foresee.

 On Sunday, October 21, 2012 you will have the opportunity to join us as a walker - or if you wish - sponsor a walker. In so doing you will provide a positive way to respond to world hunger. Hunger is an ongoing problem. The world produces enough food each year to provide a healthy diet to everone on the plantet. But over 800 million people (almost three times the population of the United States) are undernourished - meaning they do not do not get enough food to lead active, healthy lives.

We have the resources.

We have the knowledge.

Indivdually we cannot solve the problem byt collectively we can reduce it.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has.

Isn't it worth a try?

 -Ralph Miller, Elder

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Youth Music Opportunities

Dear Ardmore Presbyterian Families,

Tomorrow, Wednesday, September 5, 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., there is a special opportunity to preview two musical groups for youth, grades 6-12.

5:00 p.m. - Youth Choir
5:40 p.m. - Pizza!
6:10 p.m. - Youth Ringers
7:00 p.m. - We're finished!

**NEW - APC Youth Ringers**
 Directed by Maggie Montgomery, this group will meet in three five-week segments (Wed, 6:30-7:00 p.m.), and play a modest piece in worship at the end of each segment.  The segments begin Sep. 12, Oct. 17, and Feb. 20.

You do not have to sing in Youth Choir, nor do you have to read music, to try Youth Ringers.  Come out and try it!

APC Youth Choir
APC is one of the few churches on the Main Line to actually have a Youth Choir!  With a strong history, this choir sings several times per year.  Special projects include a biennial musical, and an annual choir exchange with Trinity Pres-Arlington, VA.  The choir rehearses Sundays after church.

So, if you've never tried our choirs for youth, why not come to the preview next Wednesday?  You can try one or both groups, and be sure to stop in for pizza (my favorite food group).

If you have questions, simply e-mail or call me.  Thanks for reading!

Gary Garletts
Director of Music
610-642-6650 x23