Monday, June 10, 2013

Thanks to All who Helped with the Matt 25:35 Project Dinner


Many thanks to all who participated in the Matt 25:35 Project dinner and fundraiser on June 7.  That event netted a total of almost $2000 -- enough to supply a Thursday lunch at Calvin Presbyterian to  fifty people for ten weeks. We had guests from at least three other churches besides APC, including a representative from the PC (USA) national staff. Project chef James Mitchell and his co-workers provided a fine summer meal that was enjoyed by all. 

We are grateful for the many local businesses that donated merchandise and gift certificates for the fundraiser auction.  We are also happy to report that two raised garden beds (similar to those at APC) have been constructed and planted at Calvin Presbyterian this spring, thus potentially doubling the amount of fresh garden produce that can be used to support the nutrition project during the summer months each year.

We welcome people of all ages to join us Wednesday evenings from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Parish House for food, fellowship, and garden harvesting and upkeep.  As the summer proceeds, we will need lots of volunteers to harvest salad greens, herbs, green beans,  zucchini, tomatoes and peppers.  This is a great opportunity for families and friends to enjoy food, fellowship, and service to God in an outdoor summer setting!