Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Garden Fellowship on Wednesdays

Hello all now and future APC gardeners!

This is a note to say we hope you will join us this Wednesday at the garden right behind the church for some great food(really!) and fellowship. We have been meeting for several weeks now and we are having a good time. The garden is coming along nicely. We've had Keenagers, younger people, single people, families, pastors and even new visitors to our church attend. You will fit in well. If you have chairs or blankets please feel free to bring those as we add to the supply at the Parrish House. We have hot dogs and (veggie burgers upon request) for the grill and drinks supplied. People have been bringing a side, chips or dessert to share. You don't have to bring anything but we have enjoyed eating everyone's delicious food. 

Do you ever drive through west Philly and feel some despair? Do you cross City Line Avenue and wonder what is to be done about this place so close to where we live? Come to the garden and see. This is fresh produce, grown and given in Christ's name to our neighbors who otherwise would not have access to it. Your kids will understand this idea of feeding hungry people and you not feel so helpless. The company in good and the tasks are not hard- I promise. Mary Van Leeuwen will show you just how to do it all:)

We will be out there every Wednesday unless it is pouring rain. Come for a little while or come for the whole time. We will be excited to see you.

Please pass this email on to anybody else in the church who you think might enjoy this event. This is going out to the families list but all are welcome.

Karen and Jeff

PS.  If you cannot garden, whether because of the health or interest,you have to be somewhere without dirt on you afterwards,etc please join us anyway. we would love to have your company, regardless.