Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June 6th letter from Masey's

6th June 2012

Dear Prayer Partners,

We just arrived from a month of very fruitful time in Australia. It was a time of refreshing for us. God spoke to us many times and repeatedly reminded us that he has called us to serve Him. We were encouraged and assured that He will be always with us in our times of trouble and pain and bring to fruition His purpose. Thank you for standing with us and praying that He would break through hard places and bring about victory for His Glory.

Children’s Home Building: The last time we heard from the organization was before we left for Australia that if we do not hand over the building they will take us to the court. I know many of you are concerned about this status and are standing with us. Thank you. Please continue to pray that the organization will look for the wellbeing of children and not do anything for their own gain. We are still living in the same building. Please pray that they will accept our offer to pay the cost of the construction and transfer the title to Caring Hands.

The good news is that the BOYS HOME STARTED with 8 boys this month. Praise God after many years of prayers we felt that Prakash & Hanna would the couple to take care of Boys. Continue to pray that they will adjust and settle down quickly and that we will be able to put them in the right school. We are looking for sponsors for Boy’s Home. If you want to sponsor please write to us. Thank you.

All, except two of our girls from the JOYFUL CHILDREN’S HOME passed in their exam and promoted to the next grade. Two girls completed one-year diploma course in nursing and are looking for job opportunities. One girl finished B.A. degree. Please pray for our children’s education and spiritual growth. We are expecting some more new girls to come to our Home. This month is a very busy month for Children’s Home as we need to get their admission into schools and colleges, buy uniforms, books, shoes etc. please pray that we will be able to get a good deal when we shop. Please pray for the need of workers who are truly called to work in Children’s Home.

OVERSEAS OPPORTUNITIES: Arun with our staff Mr. John Gouder (Co-ordinator of Church Ministry) and Mary (matron) attended a conference in Kenya for 15 days in April. That was a very good experience for John and Mary as they travelled abroad for the first time.

From April 31st till 2nd June Shobha & I went to Australia to attend Leadership training, and speak in meetings and visiting our friends and family. We have another opportunity to go again next year and speak in meetings in Australia.

KIDS CAMPS IN SUMMER: In the month of April and May KIDS CAMPS were conducted in five different towns for all boys and girls who attend our Churches and Share & Care Programs. All our staff under the youngest leader Shruti (21) worked hard to make it a great success. Nearly 600 boys and girls attended in Belhatti, Kittur, Halga, Jagdal and Jamkhandi. Shruti is one of the Joyful Children’s Home’s girls and is now working in Caring Hands.

YOUTH CAMP: FROM 26TH TO 28th we are conducting a Youth camp. From our churches young people will come for three days. Please pray that it will be a wonderful time of meeting with God for the young people and growing in His Word.

PASTORS’ GATHERING: Arun’s heart is to encourage pastors who work in rural areas and have no fellowship with others. We want to refresh and encourage them to do better for the Lord in the ministry. For this purpose we are organizing a Pastors’ Gathering in July. We pray that pastors who need a time of refreshing from our Lord will come and be blessed.

VISIT TO THE U.S.A: Shobha and I are planning to come to USA from August till October. Melissa has two weeks of vacation in August and her 18th birthday is on 21st of August so we want to be with her. We hope to celebrate her birthday in Dallas, TX., where Arun’s younger brother lives. Now she is working eight hours everyday in the school to cover her fees. We need not pay anything for her tuition.

We have an invitation to visit ND, CA, GA, SC, NC and VA. If, you are in any of these states we would love to meet you. Please let us if you want us to come and speak in your groups or churches.

Thank you again for your support and prayers for our ministry. Please continue to uphold us in your prayers.

Yours in His service,

Arun & Shobha Massey.