Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Mission Partnership: Calvin Presbyterian

We are still collecting any used clothing or shoes to bring down to Calvin Presbyterian. We can pick that up from you directly or you can bring it to church or the garden night. This need like food never stops, especially for children.

We have also found out that Calvin Presbyterian will be starting a daycare/preschool in the fall. We will be collecting items that would be useful for that as well. This could be new or gently used toys, games, puzzles, books,etc. Anything we could supply them with is something they don't have to buy. We can also pick up items like this from your home or you can bring them to church or the garden night. I am in the process of finding out more specifics about this new program. This might be a fun way we could bless Calvin church itself which is doing much for many with little.

Our own church as well as Calvin Presbyterian operates a food pantry for area people who are hungry. Please bring any food donations and now they will get to a place where they can be used.