Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christian Education Small Groups at APC

Sunday Morning Adult Small Group January 13th and 20th,

9:00 -10:00 a.m. in the Mill Creek Room. We will spend these two weeks in anticipation of this year’s SER. The theme of the SER is “Christianity in Crisis” and the speaker, Dr. Marty Soards, will draw from Paul’s letters to the believers in Corinth. The church at Corinth was marked by internal divisions, immorality, misunderstanding of the nature of Christian spirituality, and selfishness in their worship and participation in the Lord’s Supper. They considered themselves “wise” and “spiritual,” but Paul shows them the nature of true wisdom and gospel spirituality so that they will grow to maturity in Christ. We’ll take time to look at the large themes in Paul’s letters with a view to preparing ourselves to engage with the teaching at the SER.

Sunday Night Live! – resumes January 6th at 7 pm. We will continue our study in Paul’s letter to the Romans.  Join us as we discover a new way to relate to God, to each other, and to the world around us.  We will wrestle together with God’s word and how it relates to our current context.  Good conversation, laughter, and your questions are always encouraged.  Meets in the Parish House.

Wednesday Women’s Small Group – resumes January 2nd at noon.  Bring your lunch and join us as we enjoy fellowship and study a Biblical book. Meets in the Library.

Wednesday Men’s Small Group – resumes January 9th at noon.  We begin with lunch and fellowship and then continue our study of Moses. Films like “The Ten Commandments” and, more recently, “The Prince of Egypt,”  present Moses as a star of the biblical story. In contrast,  we will be studying Moses as a supporting actor in God’s great story of redemption. We will look at Moses through the writings of the Old and New Testaments  and  with an eye to increasing our understanding of God as the star of the story and how God uses broken people to accomplish his purposes.  Meets in the Mill Creek Room.