Thursday, January 19, 2012

David Hackett Resources

1.      Lausanne Committee for World Evangelism, Cape Town 2010 “Conversations” (Partnership Subject Matter Specialist)
a.       Networks benefit by bringing together practitioners from a variety of approaches
b.      "Partnership" in Major Global Mission Declarations
c.       The Four Key Questions of Collaboration
d.      Nurturing a Culture of Exchange
e.       Are You a Network Owner or a Network Steward?
f.       A Partnership of Two is Inherently Unstable
g.      Sure-fire ways to kill a partnership
h.      On-the-Grounders Missing Media-Generated Inquirers
i.        Crossing the Will/Skill Divide
j.        Partnerships: Scarcity-minded or Abundance-minded?

2.      Lausanne World Pulse Magazine
a.       Global Internet Users Present Vast Opportunities for Online Evangelism
b.      Casting a Global Net
c.       Partnering in Mission: A Better Way to Change the World

3.      Christian Leadership Alliance Magazine
a.       Working Together—It's a God Idea

4.      The Mission Exchange “eXcelerate” Magazine
a.       Equipping the Next Generation for Collaboration
b.      Linking Arms for a Common Cause

5.      Christian Web Trends
a.       Internet Evangelism Idea #15: 3 Creative Ideas from the Non-Western World

6.      Cause Collaboration Course (MA/PhD-level Course curriculum)
a.       The Sub-Saharan Technology Evangelism Movement (a fictional teaching story presented as a model for the main course assignment) (available on request to

7.      Quoted or Interviewed In
a.       Adeney, Miriam. “Kingdom Without Borders: The Untold Story of Global Christianity”, InterVarsity Press
b.      Petersen, Jonathan. “Mobile, Glocal & Evangelism”, Lausanne World Pulse Magazine
c.       von Buseck, Craig. “Netcasters: Using the Internet to Make Fishers of Men”, B&H Publishing
d.      Whittaker, Tony. “The Twenty-first Century Roman Road–Signposts along the Way”, Lausanne World Pulse

1.      Well Connected, by Phill Butler, World Vision (now available for free eBook download at
2.      Kingdom Without Borders: The Untold Story of Global Christianity, by Miriam Adeney, InterVarsity Press
3.      The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity, by Philip Jenkins, Oxford Press
4.      Jesus in Beijing: How Christianity is Transforming China and Changing the Global Balance of Power, by David Aikman
5.      A History of Christianity in Asia: Vol 1 Beginnings to 1500, by Samuel H Moffett, Orbis
6.      A History of Christianity in Asia: Vol 2 1500 to 1900, by Samuel H Moffett, Orbis
7.      The Dictionary of Global Culture, edited by Kwame Anthony Appiah et al, Knopf
8.      How the Irish Saved Civilization, by Thomas Cahill, Anchor Books
9.      The Church of Facebook: How the Hyperconnected Are Redefining Community, by Jesse Rice, David C Cook Publishers
10.  Netcasters: Using the Internet to Make Fishers of Men, by Craig von Buseck, B&H Publishing
11.  SimChurch: Being the Church in the Virtual World, by Douglas Estes, Zondervan
12.  The Gospel: For Here or To Go?, by Keith Giles; download at
13.  Social by Social: A practical guide to using new technologies to deliver social impact; download for free at
14.  See many free downloadable eBooks at