Monday, January 23, 2012

(Y)Ardfarmers Update: Matthew 25:35 Project


The Matt 25:35 Project ("For I was hungry and you gave me food ...") is a joint project of Ardmore, Overbrook, and Calvin Presbyterian Churches, and is located at Calvin Presbyterian, at the corner of 60th and Master Street in West Philadelphia.  Many of you will remember that Calvin Church's 'Care Closet' was the recipient of the bounty of the APC vegetable garden last spring and summer (see the APC 2011 annual report for details) and will be again this year. 

The Matt 25:35 project has now expanded to include a nutritious, sit-down, family-style meal each Thursday noon at Calvin Pres., which now attracts over fifty people.   It is called the Heavenly Harvest Meal at Calvin's Kitchen. Prepared by a professional chef, with much of the food donated by local supermarkets, this meal is accompanied by  conversations on healthy eating, which will soon be supplemented by formal presentations from the Penn State University Extension Service.  In addition, APC's Sherina Poorman is teaching a children's after-school group the basic gardening skills that will prepare them to start a vegetable garden at Calvin Presbyterian Church this spring.

The Thursday lunch project is staffed by an enthusiastic crew of volunteers, but has been so successful that they could use a few more!  Needed are people willing to come between 10:30 am and about 1 pm to help prepare the food, serve it, and clean up.  There will be a brief orientation for any new volunteers, then a task will be assigned.  A big part of the project is the participation of volunteers in fellowship, so they are also encouraged to sit down and enjoy the meal with the guests.  No one needs advanced culinary or serving skills -- just a willingness to learn and help.  Calvin Pres. is easy to get to -- only about 15 minutes drive from APC, straight east on Lancaster Avenue, across City Line to 60th St., then less than a mile south to 60th and Master St.

If this project fits your schedule and seems to be part of God's calling for you at this time, send a email with your contact information  to Kristin Jacobson at Overbrook ( with a copy to Mary S. Van Leeuwen at APC (  If you do not have access to email, fell free to call Mary Van Leeuwen or speak to her at church.