Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January 16th Update from the Masseys

16th Jan 2012,

Dear Prayer Partners,
Although we reached the middle of January we haven’t had time to relax. Children had practiced dances and skits which they presented at the parents’ meeting. After Christmas we took all the 63 children for a picnic to a riverside. They had a sports and essay-writing competition. The winners received their prizes in from of their mothers who came for the Parents meeting. Shobha spoke to them from the Word of God on how to bring up their children.

There was a wedding in Shobha’s family which we attended in Bangalore. The organization that supported our Children’s Home sent auditors to do check 10 years accounts. As they left we had two overseas guests from UK and USA.

Shobha is suffering from bronchitis and she needs prayer. She has a Ladies Retreat from 19th till 21st of Jan. Many are planning to come from our project areas. Please pray that God’s Spirit will move among these women. Shobha is the speaker for opening meeting and needs your prayer.

We are asked to hand over the building where our children are living to the organization that supported our Home all these years by 31st Jan 2012. We have made a written request to them to sell the property to us. Please pray that they will consider our request and will transfer the property to us.

Since some days our internet is not working and we are sending this from somewhere else. Melissa is doing all right. Her laptop is not working properly so it is very frustrating when every 5 minutes it shuts down while speaking to her on skype. Please pray that the Lord will provide another one to replace it.
We expect wonderful blessings during this year for you. May you experience them day by day.

Thank you for your sincere prayer support for us and the ministry here.

Yours sincerely,
Arun & Shobha Massey.

For more information about this ministry, follow this link.